Notion Restaurant Tracker Template

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If you are a real foodie and you love to save all of the restaurants that you've been (or the ones that are yet to try), this is the perfect template for you!


  • Customized video tutorial providing step-by-step instructions for setting up and correctly using the template.
  • Detailed instructions for the proper utilization of the template.
  • Quick Action buttons for adding new restaurants.
  • Gallery featuring various restaurants, including the following details: Name, Photo, Location, Type of Food, and Rating (the rating is automatically measured based on the analysis of 7 factors: accessibility, ambient/place, food presentation, food quality, menu, price, and service).
  • Individual template for each restaurant, including notes, comments, price, menu, and a photograph from the day of the visit.
  • Additional resources.

After completing your purchase, you will be redirected to a page containing detailed instructions for downloading the template.

If you have suggestions for new Notion Templates, questions or if you want a personalized template for you, please reach out through

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If you are a real foodie and you love to save all of the restaurants that you've been (or the ones that are yet to try), this is the perfect template for you!

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Notion Restaurant Tracker Template

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